
Depending on how you performed in the tests and where you had the best results – the machines will give you a recommendation on what kind of job that would fit you in the Swedish Armed Forces.

Strength and dexterity was tested by letting the user grip handles to generate sufficient power to light a bulb. This was harder than one may imagine and most lasted about 20-30 seconds.

Swedish Armed Forces Strength Test Machine

Technical ability was tested by letting the tested solve a puzzle in which an electronic circuit was the be closed. This was done by flipping switches with numbers corresponding to those in the chart.

Another ability that was to be tested was stress levels. This was done by challenging the user to keep a number of green lights lit that would randomly go off while simultaneously keeping an eye on a big red light that had to be switched off.

Finally, we tested focus, by letting the user memorise both visual and audible queues given simultaneously but completely unrelated to each other.

Swedish Armed Forces Technical Test Machine
Swedish Armed Forces Stress Test Machine
Swedish Armed Forces Test Machine Result Printer
Credits: Acne, DDB Stockholm, Försvarsmakten