Here you will find modern articles on the latest in the subject. The app helps you keep track of what is happening both inside and around you, it makes you aware of each new pregnancy week.

Aftonbladet (read article)


Preggo was made for the parents to be. Not only is it filled with hundreds of articles about anything from fashion to hemorrhoids, it’s also packed with helpful goodies and a powerful bumpie-camera. This app will make your journey both interesting as it progresses and also allow you to come back to remember it later.

Screenshots showing three views from the app Preggo


The app targeted both iOS and Android device. While native in many case is more performant, Preggo did not have any performance critical components which informed the decision to use Apache Cordova as the underlying technology for packaging. This let us reuse codebase between the target platforms and sped up development a lot. It also let us use HTML5 for content rendering.

Some parts of the content was planned to be frequently updated. We wanted to employ a hybrid in terms of static and dynamic content. We decided to use Firebase for content delivery and user management.

Credits: Masiofo AB